Has Great Potential – Tinyclouds Weather Review

Super refreshing compared to the noise and clutter within most weather apps. Functionality is very simple for the price, but worth it as I think there's a lot of places it could go in the future. Would love to see: - More scenery options to choose from -- farm/country, beach, jungle, suburbs, etc. - Ability to adjust the car/cloud speed. Their current pace takes away some of the serenity. :) - Maybe ability to create a little person that wanders around whatever scenery you currently have selected? Or pets/animals that randomly show up on certain days? Maybe depending on the weather? Would be a simple but charming element! Overall -- beautiful app and great potential. I deeply appreciate its simplicity and lack of noise/notifications. Keep up the great work!
Review by Obi-Wan 111 on Tinyclouds Weather.

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What can I say?

Good but needs work
Towwwwww TRUCKS!!!!!
