I enjoy Zookeeper. I’m playing with my mom and brother. Overall a great game with new events starting at regular intervals. Of course, no game is perfect and I have a couple complaints - 1. Why does the regular zoo vandal often give you 3 hours to kill it but the super ultra only gets 1 hour? 3 hours for super ultras would be helpful. 2. Why do new events like bingo and challenge from the boss always start at the same time of day....for me 22:00 or 23:00. Unless that’s a Friday or Saturday night there’s no way I can be a first finisher as I have to wake up early for work. Maybe you could rotate the times so some of us have a chance at the prizes. 3. In the beginning I spent a few dollars sometimes on platinum medals but I no longer put money to this game. The reason is because when I spend 10 platinum medals 7 or 8 are duplicates and rarely do I get one of high level prizes. I’m not spending money for duplicates. Yes I know I can sell them for tickets and get something but the ticket value is so low it’s very hard to save up enough. Fix the duplicate issue and I would spend again.
Review by GoWarEagle on ZOOKEEPER BATTLE.


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