This Is An Amazing Game! – Crash Drive 2 Review

I love this game but it takes a long time to update. Here are my ideas: Can you add a text box so we can chat to other players plz? Can you add more cars because I have almost 2 million dollars and I can’t spend it. Can add us a friends list so we can make friends? Can you also let us color our cars just like in tank battles? Can you add a map like Sumo where you try to knock cars off the edge by bumping into them? Can more maps like a track on the moon and craters or maybe a map with a dome underneath the ocean? Can you add a daylight cycle where it will become night with stars and a moon, in other words a daytime and a nighttime? I just want to see some sort of change to the game because I love this game and so do other people! :D
Review by JBC Parkward on Crash Drive 2.

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