Not much of a challenge. Or horror game. – Scary Butcher 3D Review

As a game marketed as a “horror” game, there was barely anything actually scary in this game. The game is split up into 18 levels. I was able to beat all of these in about 30 minutes and wasn’t terrified at all. But it could be scarier for a child. Next, the design. The main floor has decent decor, but I was able to walk right through a table. And there’s a camera in the top corner of the screen that shows you where the butcher is. That just removes all of the tension of having to hide from him, which adds to the fact that this game isn’t that scary. The upstairs and the basement are just... not what I expected. The basement is just a big room with a bunch of boxes, and there’s only two rooms upstairs that actually have detail put into them. The rest are just empty rooms with some clipping textures. Not very realistic. Overall, I have this game two stars because there is some good parts to it, like the beginning where you have to hide from B outside, but the rest of the game is the same thing; Pick something up, run away. I feel like the creator didn’t use their full potential on this game. P.s. on one part of the game, the butcher is asleep in the bathtub, and he isn’t even in it fully. The bath is going straight through his body.
Review by Psmooth8 on Scary Butcher 3D.

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