Good fun, with a few confusing parts – Monster Chef Review

Several hours in now, and overall very fun. The art style reminds me of "Ahh!! Real Monsters", and I mean that in a good way. So far no pay wall at all, and they seem to be very generous with currencies. A couple minor complaints: 1 - Better English translations needed in some parts. There are a few quests where I literally cannot understand how to do them because the English doesn't make sense. 2 - I'm annoyed with the whole cooking speed/selling speed system. Why can't you just list how long a recipe will take to make?? It makes it incredibly annoying trying to decide what recipes to start cooking for optimal efficiency. I'll definitely be playing this for a while still, and if the above were fixed it would definitely be a 5-star game!
Review by Violenticecream on Monster Chef.

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