Fear not first gen buyers – Mind Wave - Binaural white noise Review

First, buyers of the first edition app, this one, is different, slightly, than the second Mind Wave(2) More so in interface than anything, but now with background 'music' if you will, which are repeditive and boring. All 4 of them. I was compelled to turn them off totally, as they're there for people who just can't sit and listen to frequency. 2nd, there are several settings but only a few tones, used over to cover other topics. I'm a skeptic, and have some of the issues these apps claim to help with. I've tried everything else, so I asked why not? I'm into electronic music so listening to modulating synth sounds is nothing new. But I went in with an open mind. I used the sleep setting last night and I have to honestly say I slept longer than usual and it kept me in a dream state longer, which is actually closer to awake than deep sleep so I'd recommend after you start to fall asleep turn it off. As other users have written the timer on both versions do not work. I'll update when the developer updates, which I hear they/he/she dosent do, or if I actually see any difference anywhere else. Thanks for coming out.
Review by WILLxLOVE on Mind Wave - Binaural white noise.

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