Improvements – Dungeon Legends - Quest Hunter Review

The overall mechanics. I like I could do with a analog stick icon for movement for better control of character movement. The touch the screen to move around some what bother some. Please improve this or consider it. The”black smith”forge” only being able to improve ordinary items? This needs to change Iv hit a point we’re Iv earned gear, and can’t upgrade it. Endless their is an option later I can upgrade there “Special items” I haven’t seen yet this also needs to change. This game has a lot more potential. I’d like to see new Classes, you have a dwarf that’s like a tank. We’re is the mage class the archer, maybe an a necromancer class. This allows for new armor new raids new chapters new events please consider this also. Also I have hit a barrier in the game we’re it becomes pay to win. If I can’t Enjoy a a certain amount of content then I’m not immersed enough into to want to spend money. This is lame at such an early part of the game everything is time limited “annoying” Iv seen the arena it’s nice Iv seen a little bug in the system people challenge me to a battle, and it says their LVL10-15 but when I join the guy is LVL 20 or 30 fix it.... Also maybe add some bounties like specific boss hunts or LvL grinds in a chapter for special rewards. Coop keys annoying “MMO” we all know what this means live up to the standards of it. The best for last “1Gem” really that’s all on the little board I can earn at a time this is lame. We’re is the feeling of reward I feel like it’s a life line. As I said though I believe this game has more potential then it was sought out to be the overall game mechanics run smooth. This is a big plus, so I expect more out of you guys to come So I gave you 5stars. If any DEVs are Reading please consider The changes to be made.
Review by ANARCHYANGEL666 on Dungeon Legends - Quest Hunter.

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