Pay your whole retirement fund to play only way to go here – Game of Thrones: Conquest ™ Review

Congratulations! You’ve officially killed the game. Changing the reinforcements limit on Seats of Power is going to be the final straw to get people who have been playing a long time to quit- including some spenders. Your changes often only benefit those who spend hundreds at a time on this game and completely screw over the rest of us. This is also, unfortunately, not even the first time you give the advantage to large attackers over seat holders. Changing who could see reinforcements first was a huge mistake as well. Get rid of that limit on seats or you’re going to see a huge decline in players who can’t keep up with those who seem to have never ending cash to blow on this and for a change, consider some of your lower/mid tiered players time and money spent.
Review by Mikee1987?? on Game of Thrones: Conquest ™.

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