Nice graphics and build up, dead end pretty fast – God Kings Review

Starting out, it’s fun and engaging. There are several interesting elements: beasts, city building, research, becoming more powerful, and the occasional scuffle over something lame like a shrine or gold mine. Nice beautiful graphics on my iPad, though sometimes glitchy and slow on my iphone. The discovery is also engaging: how does power work, how do you win battles, how do you beat dungeons, etc. Until finally it becomes lamely obvious that no mechanic requiring any intelligence exists. All of the top players just make horsemen and attack with horsemen (supposedly “defensive units”) and win, over units supposedly three times as powerful. Words like, or icons and numbers representing, “attack””defense” and “siege” have zero to do with the actual mechanics. Fortifications don’t do anything. And you will get crushed by many months old, $$ spending players because they have nothing else to do. I don’t blame them for picking on smaller cities, because the game becomes a lame boring dead end pretty fast. Day after day, it’s the same beasts, same city, same zones, same alliances, same horsemen. “Dungeons” are also super lame, with all the same graphic icon and no actual fighting, just wait 5-15 mins, watch sword icons move in a line, get chests. Once again, lame. The game cashes in on creating an illusion of competition and conflict. They purposely make accidental hits on shrines and mines unpreventable. And then some child (or childish) player gets all outraged and attacks you. Hopefully someone buys some $$ package in the process and cha-ching. Top alliances kept making up “abandoned shrine”rules and but they kept changing. Devs obviously prefer inflated conflict and instability—very Much Ado About Nothing (because there’s nothing else in the game). The devs sent out a message saying changes are coming to the battle system to make it less lame, but I would’t hold my breath (I’m sure changes are coming, but will “battle” be less lame?). As mentioned by other reviewers, there is only one sever, and it has accumulated a certain type of player: one that likes to hit new players and less developed cities, when he or she is 40 times more powerful than the newer player. Because game content runs out pretty fast, crushing new cities is the only entertainment left. So go into the game and become one of the following: spend thousands of $$ to catch up to the state of boredom and bullyhood of the old players or be sheep to entertain the cash cows. But hey, you generate $$ for the devs either way.
Review by K Zaw on God Kings.

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