Thank you! – MonsterKill Review

This game eats ALL my free time, and then some... Just one.... more.... level... Complete. One more... (30 minutes later) Ok, Last level... ;) This is one of two games on my iphone that I ALWAYS play.. the others, i'll play a few times and then rarely play again. sometimes months before I open them up again. Really the only complaint I have, and its not a real big one. I never have enough upgrade tokens, and money could be improved a tad. but money isnt that bad of an issue, it makes you play more defensive. To the people complaining about the power regen being too low... While I do agree to a point, you CAN avoid losing a wall. Use Ice Block. Toss one/two up, let the power regen, then let loose as the block fades. Its not a sure fire way to win, but when the monsters are coming at you and all seems to be lost... you need to think how you can win. not complain how you will fail due to the game... Cause its not the game. You have more than one weapon available, use wisely. Strategy plays a big part in the higher levels, you cant just burn all your power fast and expect to win. Sticky situations, I toss a Ice Block up or two. and then drop a fireball on the top. the fire takes a while to kill the monsters, the ice block makes them sit in one place for a bit. Werewolves I either ice block them then Lightning bolt and get multiple monsters, or drop a bolt on them as they get to the fence. pretty much anything before just ticks them off. I really only use cut on the mummies, and when there is one 1-2 out. more than that and lightning bolt is more effective. upgraded lightning bolt of course.
Review by thebacklash on MonsterKill.

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Pick and play


good and fun
Well-Trained Bastard

Doesn't work