READ THIS DEVS – World War VII Review

I've played this game off and one for over a year, lost all my progress on my first account but still enjoying it. Coming back to see you've taken away the wait times is fantastic and the 3k gems were nice too but I think you've gotten complaints about how tough if can be to get gems but loot crates wasn't the way to go. With the current system with gems it takes awhile to get to even 100 gems. Clash Royale had this issue concerning the legendaries in its beginning stages but with out compromising its progression they made it to where F2P players can unlock them. ex:chest/loot crates that guarantee a legendary,hard challenges that get them unlocked without paying But I know this would take awhile to implement in this game so for right now I would just make it easier to get gems and increase the chances of good troops. I see so much potential in this as also like Clash Royale,they tried something new and it has made them over 2 billion dollars! Hope you see this and thank you for making what could be honestly one of the best games on mobile.
Review by Ac3131 on World War VII.

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