Money Grabber and no support only excuses – War Machines:Battle Tank Games Review

This game has gone to the toilet! The game has been “UPDATED” to give less coins per battle, you can’t collect rewards 50% of the time, a lot less crates and they are the lowest ones, the matches are not balanced, the game rewards disconnect cheaters and the free diamond videos aren’t paying out. However, if you pay them a more money you can have what they originally baited you in with, but everything negative happens it’s your fault somehow, “Your internet is slow” “You should reboot your device”, “Update you version”, “Update you device firmware” and “Your battery can’t be below 20% when you connect to our app.” When you send them screenshots showing them their “Deny everything” philosophy is bogus, you get the “We are looking into this matter.” Coins, I used to average $11,000 a round, now I average $6,800. Rewards, when it’s time to collect rewards for clan battles, it’s sometimes shows I’m not in a clan, my fellow clan mates say I’m still on the clan roster, so I can’t collect clan rewards. I meet the requirements for daily goals, I just can’t collect. When I log back in later, the new daily goals are there but still couldn’t collect the previous days rewards. Crates, The new sets you have to be top three on winning team to get a crate. 75% of the time I am top three winning team, 50% I am top player. This week I have received 32 bronze crates, 1 gold and 3 silver. I have several screen shots were my crate bay has nothing but bronze crates. I also have screen shots were I am top player on winning team 3 times and get a bronze crate three times in a row. Balance, I am currently a Captain with a tier 4 tank, 90% of games played, the other players are Captain and above, my team or the others. Theirs almost always a Major or higher with a fully upgraded tier 6 tank with skins, one shot one kill for them, the game ends with everyone on both sides with zero kills and the non balanced tank with 23 kills. Even with all four of my teams tank simultaneously firing at this one tank, they wipe us out before we can drop him to 50% damage. Sometimes the super tank is on my team, I can’t even get one kill because he gets them all with one shot. I’m just wasting gas and lowering my stats. The game should put equal level(rank and tier) players in a round. Free diamonds, I just couldn’t figure out why I don’t have enough diamonds to buy a tier 5 tank, I have been saving diamonds and not using any(not including diamonds I can’t collect). I started taking screen shoots, I start out with 3,211 diamonds, I watch 10 free diamond videos, now I have 3217 diamonds. I close the game, reboot my device, make sure the battery is over 50%, speed test my internet(Tests “very fast” as always) and I still only have 3217 diamonds. Where are the others? Disconnects, when you are about to kill an enemy player, if they quit(disconnect) you lose any score you had. They then reconnect and start fresh and new. I played a game were I had three tanks in a row down to 10% or less(basically one more shot to kill) the magically disappeared. The first and third tank were both “Bob123.” They were off the roster but came back. So I lost the first kill bonus, and they reconnected. Now the damage I received from the disconnected 3 players stayed, when “Bob123” was almost dead, he disconnected and then reconnected with a 100% Health tank and killed me with one shot, he got the first kill bonus. SO I almost killed this player twice and he got the first kill bonus because he disconnected twice and came back. So he got three 100% health tanks to my one. Fix, once you leave the game, you can’t come back. Now, I tested this. I started a game, took a screen shot of the roster. I allowed a opponent to lower my health(I did not fire one shot at any one), I then closed the app, reopened and started a new game, the game took me to the exact game I was playing before, with a tank that was 100% Health. I suspect if I had done this with a kill ratio, I may have retained any stats I had when I disconnected. Finally, when your game is screwing people, you need to make it right instead of pushing the blame to the consumer, including those who have purchased packs for real money! If I am a paying customer, and you try to blame me for every issue with your game and hint to me to spend more money to fix your problem, the real problem is you!
Review by NewMexicoWraith on War Machines:Battle Tank Games.

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