We should be able to change around the order of the saved mixes. – Coca-Cola Freestyle Review

Let’s be real, we can only choose the same few saved mixes on the machine. We should be able to change the order of mixes in the app to avoid drinking the SAME EXACT drink(s). Because right now, we have to delete mixes just to move down the list of saved mixes to try. Why? What if I didn’t have to delete a mix that I like? The same way that Apple lets you move apps around is the same way that Coke should allow us to repost drink mixes! Otherwise, if we want to keep the mix, we have to write it on paper before deleting it and then enter it again as a new mix. Ugh!!!
Review by NYGriego on Coca-Cola Freestyle.

All Coca-Cola Freestyle Reviews

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Brandon Sease



Cool app
Bg.....fat man