Latest Version Has Issues – Drifty Chase Review

So this has been a great app for wasting time doing drifts, and over time it's never lost it's appeal. However, the latest update has a couple of issues that need resolved. a) Randomly it doesn't register my taps to turn. Either I'm tapping another car or a building or what IDK, but basically I'm then crashing head on to a barrier. b) After a bribe, the velocity of the vehicle changes. Admittedly, I'm riding the Police car, but after a bribe restart, the velocity is slower and my drifts are shorter than normal Police car drifts. Again, mixing up my driving. Combine those together and poop, I'm now getting frustrated. I paid for the app; and it's totally worth it. I recommend it over all the ads between runs...
Review by GarageKidAZ on Drifty Chase.

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