Outlander on film – STARZ Review

Beautifully done! I’m amazed how so many of the original story lines have been twisted around to fit the screen. I am pleased with the selection of the characters in the story. In my imagination I pictured the characters a little different but as the story continues I can’t imagine anyone else having the ability to portray Jamie and Claire as does Catriona and Sam! Very pleased to be watching this series and Bravo to Diana Gabaldon because although I’ve always been entranced by the the stories of the Highlanders, ( from Karen Marie Moning too), I never knew the history of the Scotts and the history that followed the battle of Culloden. The service of indentured soldiers and bondsmen were a mystery to me. I have a greater appreciation of History as the story unfolds. Thank you STARZ!
Review by from the Pen of the Archer on STARZ.

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