It's weird, it's crazy, it's PONOS! – Heads Off Review

At first glance it doesn't look all that impressive, but looks can be deceiving(very deceiving!) Just remember flappy bird as an example. Looks simplistic but what lies underneath is a very unique and addicting game! You play as a head, and to move you need to press and hold the screen which will cause the head to scream continuously until you stop pressing the screen. The scream is what propels you forward but the catch is that where ever the face is facing is the direction the scream will push you. So if the face is facing down, screaming will propel you upwards, and so on. The face however moves clockwise on its own meaning you need to time your presses in order to jump over pits. The game is an endless type game akin to flappy bird, with many collectible souls and fire souls scattered throughout the level. With said souls you can unlock custom heads with each their own unique screams and designs. Heads off is not a serious game and shouldn't be taken as such but rather is a game you play now and then as a time killer and the game does that perfectly! So that's pretty much it, the game is new right now and will probably get future updates with more custom heads and possibly modes. But as it is right now it's great! So what are you waiting for? Let the scream fest begin!
Review by Flameburst215 on Heads Off.

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