No longer Mobile Friendly! – FINAL FANTASY TACTICS :WotL Review

The update to 64-bit was great. However, the auto-save feature in the middle of battles has been removed in the update, and I have not advanced in the story a single battle since. Zero video game progression on a $15 iPhone game! The game is already challenging enough (which is great!) but I simply don't have 15-20 minutes to exclusively focus on my phone every time I wanna open this app to play. I used to progress through the story in small chunks with the previous auto-save feature storing all of my progress mid-battle. Now, I haven't seen a cutscene in ages as I simply don't have the time to fully commit to the game’s lengthy combat. I love Square-Enix, Final Fantasy, and the Ivalice world. But it’s 2017! A feature like mid-battle auto-save should never have been ‘outdated’. Make this mobile friendly again, or please give me a refund.
Review by tonypajamas1 on FINAL FANTASY TACTICS :WotL.


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