Great App but honestly retarded reviews – Free VPN by Free VPN .org™ Review

This VPN app is great overall like there's nothing really that bad about besides the ads. But from reading the absolute stupid to retarded reviews like how people are getting annoyed about the ads being in the way but then again, the ads actually give these people the money they need to run this vpn app and when the ads are on, it's a great time waster because the vpn needs the time it need to bypass all the blocked stuff that you're trying to get through on wifi or block info that people are trying to get through. But you have to remember that this is a free vpn and you think that this vpn would actually protect ALL you're information? I think not because there are way more powerful hackers that could just go through the system just like breaking a twig. Oh for the person that got their bank account hacked, you were already gonna get hacked, just have a really weak and easy password, or just never logged in your bank account with the vpn since hackers that are more powerful then the vpn tend to lurk. From all what people said, there's no need to whine about simple things that could easily be fixed if you're not absolutely stupid or just be patient with the ads because honestly, if you ranting about something so little and don't think it's safe, try it at some area that isn't your home. And if you don't know how any of this works and say it'll do this, just please go end yourself right away.
Review by ZodiacFenrir on Free VPN by Free VPN .org™.

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