App doesn’t exist in phone – Funny Animals: Play and learn! Review

I made the mistake of allowing my 10m old to play in this app so I could spend a few uninterrupted minutes with my 3yr old. She got into the in-app purchase screen, and because of Touch ID, when I took my phone back, it automatically purchased whatever it was. I searched through my phone to find the app to try and cancel...not there. I searched my iCloud and iTunes. Not there. My husband searched my phone. Not there. He searched his phones, since they’re all linked...not there. This app, and the purchase that was accidentally made, have vanished. Yet somehow, the app itself is still on my home screen? When I click the link for app support, it takes me to a website to sell an app. There is zero way out of this! I wouldn’t be surprised if it was some sort of Trojan horse.
Review by Shaun Dewitt on Funny Animals: Play and learn!.

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