Well designed but buggy – FLAME VERSUS BLAZE Review

I’ll admit that I haven’t played this a lot but it’s already made me upset. I was playing my first Normal game and the app crashes. I load back up and can’t get back into my game and I am told that not only is it a loss now but if this keeps happening they’ll temporarily ban me from playing. Yeah, first impressions do count, Square Enix. Grats. Oh yeah I was on WiFi, and nothing is wrong with my phone or my connection. Buggy app and the company blames me and says they are going to punish me. Edit: second time playing the game, again another crash and again another loss. Add insult to injury that the company even says on their support page that they will not respond to customer queries regardless of the situation. That being said, character designs are superb, action is phenomenal, the moba feel is just right. The game takes inspiration from Heroes of the Storm in that you gain power as a team and you don’t need to manage gear midfight (everything is done prior to the battle). It’s a nice change of pace and really does require solid team effort to pull off a win, even if a crash is the closest I’ve ever come to winning a game.
Review by Diaskeaus on FLAME VERSUS BLAZE.


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