Was skeptical until too many synchronicities – Ghost Hunting Tools Review

Had my doubts until several instances made me pause and consider that it's plausible that there is something with this technology that has validity. Situation 1: Left the app on all night. I had some dreams and awoke thinking of a young lady who I had known as a child. Was halfway dreaming about her and in my dream was wondering where she was and how she was doing. When I was awake enough to look at my phone I looked at the word list history. The young woman's name is Brooke. Low and behold in the middle of the list was the name Brooke. I didn't cause that to happen. It just happened on its own accord. Situation 2: We have had paranormal activity in our home for at least 7 years. We have saged it, blessed it, cleansed it over the years with Holy Water, protection Psalms, prayers, candles, etc. The most recent time for the house cleansing and blessing was during the total eclipse last month. Two weeks ago from prior to this review one of our 5-½ old puppies (Gus) began being distressed after being crated for the evening. He had not been this way prior. And it has been nightly for over a week now. Because Gus was so upset I got my app going on the off-chance that I could find some answers. I became very disturbed with some of the words coming through: • Incubus • Hang • Leave • Pack • Bail • I Am Here • Lamb (a nickname I had from now diseased friend) • Burn • Near Death • Murder I was so distraught and also concerned for the whining and barking puppy in his crate. I was trying to make sense of it all, so I placed a cross covered with Milagros over both puppies' crates because I was so concerned. Just after that the word "green" was communicated. The cross was green. I thought maybe we were on the right track in some way. So I begin just calmly communicating with this being: showing empathy, explaining that we had no harm intended, apologized if the puppies upset them, just explaining that we were so sorry for whatever pain afflicted them, and that we also have had a lot of pain lately with jobs, life, decisions. Talked about knowing how hard it is dealing with not only pain but anger. Asked if we could possibly be able to co-exist in the house. Explained that we had a plan to leave this house and California but just needed some time, and guidance. Asked for patience and understanding. This went on for some time, and I noticed that eventually the anger and frustration in the words began to subside. Even Gus the puppy fell asleep. I began to be more at ease. Not wanting to just give up because my dog stopped whining and barking, I pushed for more understanding and tried to provide more understanding for their plight and why they may be stuck. At the end of this night of conversation the app jumped into the red zone and the word s that appeared were: • New • Written • East • America And finally... • Goodbye That was it. Nothing more until the next morning. The following day there was little activity if any. And "Goodbye" stayed put on the list. Eventually more words came through but this time more benign and gentler words. Scenario 3: I was speaking with my sister-in-law about this on the phone. She has very defined gifts with communication with spirits who have passed. As we spoke she explained that this kind of communication was helpful to this entity. And that the empathy I showed was beneficial to them. As we spoke the meters hit the most brilliant red on the activity. And the key words that appeared were: • Join In • Thought • Koran The meters were the most red at "Koran". Those are just 3 of the scenarios I want to share. The others are more private and compelling to things happening in our lives and decisions we are making currently. Two items of interest in a Postscript: 1-Gus has always seemed to hear and see things none of the rest of us can. Since he was 3 months old we have affectionately said that "Gus sees ghosts." I believe it's confirmed now. 2-One of the words today was simply the initials: "A I". Those are my dad's initials. But also more commonplace as a reference to "Artificial Intelligence". Just curious as to which. Suggestion: make the word history list more comprehensive, longer, with date and time stamps, and printable. Thank you!
Review by C. Izzy on Ghost Hunting Tools.

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