Ok game, but not the same – Tiny Defense 2 Review

When I loaded up Tiny Defense 1 and saw the ad for TD 2, I was super excited. I immediately bought the game, expecting a continuation of the first game. I'm not far in the game, but I find the experience underwhelming after the first game. The sequel doesn't have the same charm the first one had. The music, the setting, the animation, all of it is awry and different in a way I don't like. It feels more mass produced, almost. Less creative and artsy, like the creators didn't have as much fun making it and just pushed out another game. Something obvious about that is the omission of a robopedia with all the fun entries. Sure, in TD 2 they have a robopedia, but it just has the stats and a basic description of the monotonous. In TD 1, there was a fun bio for each of the characters, like the Missiler bot having been a paper boy and Remover bot being really picky about shoes despite not having feet. I enjoyed reading those, and was super excited for a whole bunch of new bios for new characters, but there weren't any. The settings, unlike the first game where everything was bright and cheery, and the player felt like they were defending an innocent and previously happy world against the evil machines making factories and resorts out of the whole place, TD 2 feels more like a war, and a lot less cheery. And of course, the first three times the machines came in the first game, they were trying to clear the land for a resort. What are they on the Green Planet (which isn't very green or diverse anymore) this time? And how come the Green Planet is entirely built over now, or at least for the first two worlds. The two look almost exactly the same, while in the first game you had a whole bunch of different environments with different and unique challenges. In TD 2, everything feels like the Iron Fortress. Overall, the gameplay is good and the new robots are neat. I just can't find the charm of the first game in this one. It's just that the sequel is very different from the first one as far as artwork goes, and not in a good way. If you are looking to buy this game solely for the gameplay, it is for you 100%. If you like the extra fun little bits and elements of charm and artwork, the first game is definitely for you. Regards and best wishes to you, Picsoft
Review by cheetah2013a on Tiny Defense 2.

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