It is not you, it is the program – Flyers & Billboard Creator Review

I am an experienced graphic designer and I have used computers since the DOS era to create art and graphics. I cannot begin to tell you how much I hate this program. It took me 2 1/2 hours to make an information poster only because the text editing is hopeless. For the most part, the program is easy to use - it's just that once you make a text error your only option appears to be to delete and start over. Fortunately, I knew to make every dollop of text a separate layer or I might have blown a gasket by now. Oh, and beware the delete delay... don't hit delete more than once or you will lose the perfect layer(s) you had along with the boo-boo. And no, the back up (restore) arrow is not your friend here.
Review by Foxcarver on Flyers & Billboard Creator.

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