JUST GET IT!!!! – Scandal in the Spotlight Review

If you loved older Voltage games like Seduced in the Sleepless City or even if you're a newer Voltage fan, then I a thousand times recommend getting this game! It's soooo good, the MC is super relatable and so awkward that it's just adorable. The guys are all amazing, the story is spot on and is still realistic with working in the fame industry depending on whichever route you decide it may be more so then the other routes. What I really like about this game the most is the relationship between not only the MC and the love interests, but between all the guys as a group. I really like seeing how powerful their friendship is and how they each motivate the MC in their own way and how the MC motivates them. My only critique is that this game SHOULD NOT be rated 12+. Voltage is stepping up their game in *THAT* department, this game included. Change the rating to 16 or 17 and up like with KBTBB.
Review by Animallover826 on Scandal in the Spotlight.

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