iPhone Bug & The Workaround – FamilySearch Memories Review

Problem: Did not work on myiPhone 7+, 6+ Or iPad 4th Gen. despite software updates, app updates and uninstalling/reinstalling. When trying to upload a photo it would show a little bitty thumbnail picture… About the size of my pinky fingernail… Then when you tried uploaded it the app would just spin. Solution: Using an iPhone, if you have cropped or edited the photo you were trying to upload on your iPhone BEFORE uploading it into Memories or Family Tree it gives the errors uploading stated above. Once I go back to the photos on my iPhone in my Photos app and revert the photo to the original, before any rotations or changes were made, then I can upload it into Family Tree and Memories and crop or rotate within the memories app without issues. Despite numerous trouble tickets with tech-support, they couldn't duplicate the problem. Now that I have figured it out I hope they can fix the bug so that other people don't have these issues. It's a great app when it works right!
Review by 3lazyg on FamilySearch Memories.

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