Kote! Vode an – FANDOM for: Star Wars Review

This app is excellent, it's easy to use and runs very well. Pros: the search feature works well and is fine. The article titles will say, Boba Fett/legends for the legends version of the article and for canon it will just say, Boba Fett. The Random feature will give you random article if you don't know what to search for. And the discussion feature is just like any other online thread. Cons: the audio files don't play on the app. Also the canon and legends banners don't change the article either. All in all this is a good app with few issues. It's also as a lot of Star Wars info. FIN
Review by watch those wrist rockets on FANDOM for: Star Wars.

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Awesome Community
Hownot2 pl47

Amazing app
bazooka cuttlefish

Awesome app

Good app