Very good – Baby Panda's Supermarket Review

It's really fun and I have some suggestions baby bus home baby bus animal hosptital the animal hospital should have in it A waiting room a check in center a food court and different doctor offices like a pediatrician animal doctor office a adult animal doctor office also you should make a people baby center it should have a baby changing center with baby powder diapers such as disposable diapers and cloth diapers and baby powder and diaper rash cream. There should be a feeding center with a table with high chairs and bibs and milk and bottles and baby food and forks and spoons and baby plates also there should be a sink. There should also be a medicine room with a cabnit with medicines and chairs. Also there should be a sleeping center for the baby with cribs and blankets. Also there should be a baby play center with blocks , rattles , teething toys and
Review by kerchbb on Baby Panda's Supermarket.

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