A Must for Any BSG Fan – Battlestar Galactica: Squadrons™ Review

Initially, this game starts off intensely additive. You begin to fill your battlestar hanger with more and more ships, and surprisingly, there are far more to choose from than just Vipers and Raptors. Ludia's premise for non-canon ships follows a very well-thought and clever story design, which makes their existence in the canon universe very much believable. Many ships go so far to explain why they never appeared in the series with excellent reasons. Honestly, it becomes an exciting quest to "find them all". As a backstory junkie, I've loved reading the "Ship Lore" for each new ship that is built. Tricking out your ship is the next best thing. Upgrading weapons and defenses give your ship a decided edge in combat, as does increasing your overall health points through experience points. Another point I commend Ludia on is their clever design where recycled ships and raw resources can be also used to level up ships. This helps keep players from "grinding" out experience points by playing the same mission over and over again. Two final things I really love about the game is that you get to build your fleet by rescuing civilian ships. Once rescued, they appear permanently on your home screen in the game, where you can actually pan around and zoom in on the ships. This active building aspect adds another dimension to the game and gives a deeper sense of purpose to the campaign. I also love the snippets between characters from the series as you play through the campaign. It's a nice touch that I really wish they would expand upon. With all the positives, there are certainly some negatives. Like many "level up" games, the initial gains become slower and more intensive to achieve as your ships get higher in rank. While this isn't much of a problem initially, as the game requires you to have a more diverse squadron of ships to succeed, it becomes increasingly difficult to have the time and resources to have so many ships at a respectable level. Which leads me to one of the love-hate features of the game. The color combination for ships is a clever design that again adds some diversity and dimension to the combat, but it also means if I have a top notch red fighter I've poured resources into and I'm playing a mission where I need a top notch blue fighter, my red one will get torn apart if I try to use it. With the more ships you have, the harder it becomes to level all of them up to the degree the game eventually requires, and that slows down the pace of the game more and more. Another thing that becomes a problem is the combat sequences, while they do require a good deal of strategy and forethought, also are very much the same. Without any variation in the gameplay, it can begin to feel a little monotonous. Like others have said, one of the most frustrating and discouraging aspects of the game is pvp. Only rarely to you get a worthy match; win one and the next set of five possible opponents is so overpowered it's a turkey shoot for them. Not only is getting crushed in pvp no fun, it's also crushingly expensive. Even a decent ship will cost five cubits to repair, so each loss incurs a staggering expense of 15 to as much as 30 cubits. Considering how hard cubits are to come by in the game without shelling out real US dollars to purchase more, you have to be careful to not waste them, and pvp can turn into a money pit (cubit pit? haha) really fast. The real problem with all of this is how important pvp combat is for getting critical parts for upgrading ships. Without pvp, upgrading ships becomes painfully slow. With all of that being said, BSG Squadrons is a solid game, and a must for any fan of the series. Daily and weekly support packages really help keep the game moving, and the achievement bonuses are fantastic. I also love the foil-pack "trading card" style wrapper they come in. Throughout the game little touches like this really show originality and add a great deal of lovable character through the game. Although it has its weak areas and aspects that need improvement, to see such a polished and multi-dimensional game published for iOS so long after the series concluded is remarkable. I hope to see the game continue to grow, mature, and hopefully expand in content and features. I also hope Ludia might release additional BSG apps in the future--my biggest wish is to see an online Colonial Triad app (I know this would be a hit with fans of the series). You could even gamble BSG Squadron cubits in a bid for more! As a BSG fan, I'll admit, while the series has a very loyal and passionate fan base, the market for BSG games and products is minimal. To see this game in the App Store is truly a fantastic thing.
Review by Ozone14k on Battlestar Galactica: Squadrons™.

All Battlestar Galactica: Squadrons™ Reviews

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