Has a lot of potential! – Storm Casters Ultra Review

This game is very entertaining and personally appeals to this sort of "hack-n-slash" genre that I love. I also like that it has a little card collection aspect to it and it makes the loot system more important rather than just brushing it off to the side. I know it is just the beginning of this launch and that more features could come up in the future but I would recommend adding a few class systems and eventually a PVP arena if possible. By adding classes you can create unique experiences and mechanics in each dungeon as you traverse into and make the game more in-depth. Adding classes could also expand and pave the way for a new array of cards that could be released in the future. Of course, being in early launch, there are bound to be a few issues regarding game play and bugs such as crashing, but the game itself is a great idea. I simply wanted to get a few words in to possibly give the developers a bit of feedback. Like I said, giving the players what they want and listening to feedback will help a long way in making this game successful. I wish you the best of luck and I look forward to further enjoy this game.
Review by Hkhsyjogbsf on Storm Casters Ultra.

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