Still Quirky Fun – 100 Rogues Review

This game IS 5 stars. But three years ago, due to waning support and an ambitious attempt by a small studio of three people (at the time... I think? Maybe four) to port this to computer system, the latest version was broken. It's still 90% there. It's STILL worth your time. And repeated gaming unlocks rewards such as better weapon and armor drops from treasure chests for your quirky characters... I just miss the buff/debuff glyphs which worked for or against your character. Sometime they buffed enemy NPCs. This lead to interesting strategizing. Plus, a "monster character" still has an ability in its skill tree where it lays down these glyphs... but the glyphs are inert. Then there's the ability to lock up to four times in a cute little blue locker that sometimes spawns outside the reachable map. Sometime you can only reach it with the Fearies teleport skill. It's frustrating. Would it be too hard to restore an earlier iteration of the game to the App Store in an "update"? Like I said. These are small gripes. The game is STILL worth your time. Only a pro rougelike player can beat it in a single night on their first try. This game has relatively deep strategy to keep casual gamers coming back. Check it out. And the art is great!
Review by PragueInSpring on 100 Rogues.

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