Destiny Ninja – Destiny Ninja Review

Feel free to invite me!: JexQghWa8i ——————————— "Shall we Date?: Destiny Ninja" was the very first Shall we Date? game I played. Heck, it was even my very first otome game, and I think I made the right decision. The story is very interesting, and I love the fact that the MC (main character; in other words, you) is not the constant damsel in distress. She hates being a burden, and she shows that she's very smart, strategic, and capable of doing things that men in this era would not expect a woman to be able to do. She's fiery and strong willed, and she'll fight back if she has to. The boys that you can date have a wide range of personalities, so I believe that almost everyone can find their type. While I have not completed all of their stories yet, from what I have read so far, each one is very interesting, fluid, and I'm glad that their relationships haven't felt very rushed. I also love the fact - again, only from what I have seen so far - that the boys in each route respect and acknowledge the MC's skills and capabilities instead of immediately shooting her down because "she's a woman". ————————————— While I certainly agree that this is a wonderful game, I feel that it does have its flaws. Firstly, not everyone can afford to buy the premium currency in the game, myself included. To make it a bit more fair for the various checkpoints you encounter in the game, I wish Shall we Date? would give us more opportunities in the game to earn zeni instead of just having to rely on the login bonuses and commenting and greeting friends. Second, as I have found in every game, I feel that it is a bit unfair that we have to wait four hours before another energy is restored. I feel that even reducing it to three hours is better. While Destiny Ninja isn't really being "updated" anymore (no events, no new spinoffs, etc.), other games certainly are. And since this four-hour thing is applied to all of their games, it's a bit of a problem during the events, because you want to earn as many prizes as you can. But, if you're like me and you can't afford to buy the premium currency in the game, the events can be a real struggle, and you'll usually end up not getting the things you wanted. ——————————————— That's primarily it! All in all, this is a very good game! I recommend this one for people who are just starting out in the world of otome, and I definitely recommend choosing other games by Shall We Date? Good luck out there, and date all the handsome boys!
Review by Ayrmdragonlord on Destiny Ninja.

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