IT DOWNLOADED! – Minecraft Sticker Pack Review

Ok, I finally figured out what the problem was, (by the way I figured this out after I updated, so I don't know if the update had anything to do with fixing the problem...) anyway!! For anyone who needs this-- in the messages app when you are composing a new message, click the arrow above the keyboard, then click the App Store "A" that appears. Then click the group of four boxes in the bottom left, then click the + icon to go to the store. From there, in the top left, click manage. Make sure the Minecraft Sticker Pack slider is turned on. And, that's it! You should now be able to go back, click the App Store "A" again, then swipe over until you see the Minecraft Sticker Pack. Anyway, that should be the fix. Now onto the actual review. As far as the quality of the sticker pack, I really liked it. I especially like how every sticker is animated. The one downside to this sticker pack is that, well, I just don't think there's quite enough. Why not a sheep being sheared? Or a cookie? Or a pickaxe mining a block of diamond ore? Or Steve (or Alex) looking at a simple redstone circuit/creation with a question mark above their head? The point is, in the previews, what you see is all you get. You can decide if thats's good value or not. I feel like maybe, I dunno, even just five or six more stickers would really make this sticker pack worth the price. Until then, this rating is a three stars out of five. And, thanks for (possibly) fixing the issue Mojang!
Review by RowanSabrinaLuvr on Minecraft Sticker Pack.

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