I CAN READ KANA FLUENTLY NOW – Hiragana and Katakana-Japanese Review

I wanted to learn japanese a few years ago and downloaded around 15 apps and only this one worked, i learned both full japanese alphabets only using this app and it has changed my life. After this showed me how easy it was to learn an alphabet i started learning others because it only takes like 2 days to memorize most alphabets once you get used to it. I can now read 10+ alphabets and can put almost any language into google translate. Japanese is one of the harder ones but one of the easiest to remember once you learn it with this app, ive recommended this to countless people. If you want to read japanese, or just english written in kana (there is a lot of english in japanese) then get this app. You'll love it.
Review by Cassady Dodson (YouTube) on Hiragana and Katakana-Japanese.

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