Wherefore art thou filters? – CameraBag Mobile 3 Review

Paid for all filters, didn't appear to get any more than I started with. Fare thee well, $2. Specifics: I have iPhone 6s+ w/ latest OS updates. Free version comes w/ 14 filters. Paying for full (1.0.3) version nets no add'l filters (nor anything else for that matter). Oh the humanity, etc. So far am maintaining faith w/ developers. Push'em to the left, push'em to the right, come on team, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Captain slog, starred eight BR-549: Beginning to doubt initial strategy of trusting the Cambaggians. Could it be that, in this senectute digitalis, their "developing" skills have regressed to the lapis aetate? Ok, received reply from developers (thank you developers). Don't like the thought of paying two bucks for a handful of filters, but it's a useful enough kick in the butt to restore a more robust sense of caution in such dealings. Onward through the fog.
Review by Nondeterministic on CameraBag Mobile 3.

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