3/5 – Supply Drops for Black Ops 3 Review

For a clicker app, especially one based on a game I've currently dump countless hours of my life into, this is about what I expected it to be. It makes me wish getting supply drops was this easy in the real game, I'll say that much XD Okay, so I like the simple & intuitive interface, it tells you where you can find everything you need without needing to point it out. Good work. I also like how you can sell things you earn from your supply drops even if you have no duplicates of it, this is something I wish I could do in the real BO3. There's always so much useless junk standing in between me & the things I actually want. It's a nice concept, and I wish this was standard for new COD games. So now let's get into the gameplay. It's a clicker game, what more do you expect? You tap on the click tab, tap to gain more supply drops or more cryptokeys, and spend them to get upgrades to get even more. The only thing I don't like about the upgrade system is that it takes many, MANY levels for each upgrade to become effective, and the price scale doesn't feel worth the payoff the deeper into it you go. You'll eventually start to realize that there's no point to keeping ANYTHING you get from your supply drops & you need to sell absolutely EVERYTHING you get to get enough cryptokeys to buy the upgrades you want. I like the short-timed reward system that gives hundreds to thousands of cryptokeys, this developer knew you would need them. At least the app is self-aware. The other minor thing that I noticed was that the Rare supply drops aren't 100% accurate to that of the actual game. You can still get 3 commons from a Rare, and you're supposed to be guaranteed at least one rare item. This is minor, and doesn't change the game at all.
Review by AmyRoseFan on Supply Drops for Black Ops 3.

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