Would be nice... – Pic Crossword Puzzles and Quiz Review

When i opened the app for the first time and saw an ad pop up I was like "Well, ok then. I guess they just showed it now to not show it later between games" Boy was i wrong. Every time you open the app you see an ad. But thats not the end. "Oh, i see you pressed a button, lemme give you another add". "Hah, i see you trying to get into a game, lemme give you one more ad before you play, as if i didin't give you 2 already. Enjoy your puzzle now, cause ill be waiting for you when you finish" Didint play more than 5 minutes because of all the ads. I understand the devs needing to make money but this is just stupid. Might as well make the game payed at this point. So yes, only 2 stars because of the exaggeration of ads. Yes i can buy it and get rid of them but I don't see the point since there are hundreds of others like this with a more balanced ad frequency.
Review by The silent kill 0326 on Pic Crossword Puzzles and Quiz.

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Kindra K


Super fun
