Please help – Send credits for PlayMC.PE Review

Ever since Avenge Tech shut down, I wanted to create my own prison server. I am willing to pay money for this server, but I also want people to donate. Can you please allow people to donate money?!? Also, I've been comparing leet to your other app, (no results yet) and I've been thinking of doing your other app because you can create a .net ip. But then again, that cost forty dollars. If people where able to donate money, I would use this app. So, if you, the app creator sees this, I am asking you to add donating money. Could you also please make it a difference so u can see who watched videos and took simple task compared to who donated money. But other then this, great app. But I'm waiting till you do this update to spent real money myself. Also, you, the app creators, will get more money by doing this! I'll write another review when that update comes out. (5️⃣⭐️)
Review by DoggyPower1234 on Send credits for PlayMC.PE.

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