Terrible – Operation: New Earth Review

A small group of players have spent a lot of money on this game. There are no zones or level restrictions on attacking so everyone is at their mercy. So new players get attacked non stop as the strongest alliances and players keep expanding your territory. Why else is this game terrible? It's laggy, the chat engine is the worst I've seen ever, upgrades take a month or more once you reach level 18, the developers promise features then never release them. Basically if you start this game now you will get killed like 10 times then probably quit. So whatever you do don't spend a dime on this game. You would have to spend a couple thousand dollars to be competitive and not have to worry about being zoned non stop. Even joining alliances doesn't protect you unless someone in the alliance is really powerful. Otherwise a strong player can teleport in to your area and kill everyone and there is literally nothing you can do about it. Except spend money to buy shields. That's it. Terrible game. Edit!!!!!! After spending more time on this game my feelings are even more strong, dong buy this game !
Review by Mildog100 on Operation: New Earth.

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