TV Network for The Younger Generation – Review

TV today is dull and boring, you sit and watch it, or if you are tired, it watches you while you sleep. You can tell through movies and events that the creative juices from major tv networks and movie studios are hungry for something new!! Well Cheddar is leading the trail of disruption with their live broadcasts on startups and the financial market! Content is KING and with Cheddar you get it short and sweet, no fluff! The fact that it matches what the younger generation needs. This is just icing on the ?!!! The youth today have short attention spans, If it's not viral then it won't gain traction. I think making OTT/Digital TV networks mixed with interactive gaming components will be the future. Why not have a way to have a product sample in a commercial delivered to your door when you are watching a cooking show? We are a generation that has become a tad bit lazy, why watch a commercial and think it's amazing and go out and buy that product, when I can just order it within my Roku or Apple TV app!! Also what metric am I (Product's owner) given to let me know that this paid ad worked well?? I have many more thoughts on this topic ?? but again Loving what you're building Cheddar, it's in my Apple TV and I watch all the time!! Keep rocking and produce some thought provoking content guys ???
Review by BluJConcepts/Intelliurban on

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