These "Wilted" Flowers Are Missing A Few Petals! – European Mystery: Flowers of Death HD (Full) Review

ATTENTION: "Eventide 2: Sorcerer's Mirror" by Artifex Mundi was just released today! In addition, I just finished playing both "Adam Wolfe: Dark Detective Mystery" by Madhead (distributed separately from Big Fish) and "Darkness and Flame: Born of Fire" by FIVE-BN; they were great. Reviews have been submitted by several players already. So, we're back to horror after a pleasant side-trip to another galaxy. The predecessors in this series contained distinct elements that set them apart from other mundane mysteries, such as the lively artwork that detailed the ambiance of Rome's flourishing and historical Baroque period as evidenced in "European Mystery: The Face Of Envy." Now, this series has been inducted into the horror-ridden Hall of Fame. The storyline falls flat of any original concepts; but you will refer to an Evidence Board to assemble collected pieces of evidence regarding the mysterious, lethal flowers. Unfortunately, this board is compiled as an unorganized, junk-pile mess that is convoluted in logic. The graphics are impressive with skillfully polished illustrations; presentation is superior in sharpness, crispness, and clarity. The colors, which demonstrate an overcast, gloomy, and foreboding atmosphere, are dark and shadowy; once again, "purplish-blue" besieges your vision. Customized settings are offered; choices are generous. Inventory is labeled and interactive; items require assembly. The map gives adequate teleport to labeled locations and indicates available actions. The cut-scenes neglect to deliver superior quality; movement is slightly clunky, and the visuals are fuzzy. Transition is fairly swift; no glitches or other noticeable tech issues. The HOS are unspectacular, but they are more interactive than they appear to be; they are comprised of a mix of assorted types. The puzzles are very juvenile in presentation as some require only one or two steps to complete; however, they are fun in their simplicity. The collectibles can be challenging to spot at times. The spelling and grammar are atrocious; the abundance of misspelled words and incoherent sentences is astounding. Overall, this game exhibits an outdated overture, which is void of innovational thought; play this only if you are conflicted with undeniable boredom and have already played the two newly released games as stated above. My true rating is 2.75 stars; however, I rounded it off to 3 stars due to "almost" glitch-free gameplay, decent HOS, decent length, customized settings, etc..
Review by KimTwilight69 on European Mystery: Flowers of Death HD (Full).

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