Fix! PLEASE! D: – Free Movie Skins for Minecraft Review

There are some really good skins on this app, and I'm literally tapping everything trying to save it to my pictures. What's the point of this app if you just get to look at awesome suicide squad skins and not even be able to use them? That's the point of skin apps! PLEASE fix this, because there are skins on there that I really like. I don't know why it isn't working for some people and it's working for others. But don't spend your time on this app until it's fixed unless you want to look at endless Harley Quinn skins until you're bored. There's not much more I can say, but please fix this..
Review by Shef Brynn on Free Movie Skins for Minecraft.

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Fix it
Lexie ? others


Mysterious me....

Popp31 AJ