Why is this so highly rated? – Phases Review

Through sheer will power and luck, I managed to beat this game. And I use the word "beat" very loosely because once you reach phase zero, the game becomes infinite, and there's technically no end to it. Which is a shame, because after fighting through clunky controls, inconsistent game mechanics, and obstacles that are so glitchy and volatile you can't help but feel that the game is aware of its own bullshittery, a simple "game over" would've been nice upon completion. If only for the sense of closure after the hours of mind-numbing frustration this game will put you through. I'm all for challenging games, but there's a difference between challenging and blatantly unfair. This game teeters towards the latter. Fun premise, nice design appearance-wise, but the mechanics need LOTS of work.
Review by Dawni0 on Phases.

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