If you're not sure it's worth the price tag... – STEINS;GATE EN Review

I bought the game a day after the release on iOS, and have been testing out the port and translation frantically ever since. I have to say, this is Steins Gate in all its glory, ported to our handheld devices so that we can have this treasure everywhere we go. If you're reading this then chances are you've already either had the pleasure of playing Steins Gate on another platform, or alternatively watched the anime. Steins Gate is immensely popular nowadays and no one, in my circles at least, doesn't at least know what it's about. If however you are one of those people who have just became acquainted with the anime, and want to give this game a try, or a friend of yours had recommended the Visual Novel, then this review is for you; it would be meaningless to preach to the choir, since those people either already own the game or plan on getting it. For those of you who know nothing about either the Visual Novel, or the anime, and are checking for a review to see if the game is worth 25 dollars, that being one of the most outrageous price tags in the entire App Store, then keep reading. Steins;Gate is a Visual Novel, that is an interactive virtual book, so to speak. The story is delivered through dialogue between characters (that is for the most part voice acted). You have a hand in much of what happens, though not everything. A virtual novel is not typically a game where you simply read a linear book where you have no choices to make, and the ending is decided from the very beginning. Thus here we have a non-linear storyline that could end up in any of half a dozen directions. You are, or spectate, Rintaro Okabe throughout the entire game. You have access to his innermost thoughts through "text" that is directed to the player, but which naturally fits in the flow of the narrative. The cast of the game also includes a number of other characters, all of whom appear as realistic, pragmatic representations of human people, rather than otherworldly, foreign tools used for the progression of the plot. At the same time though the narrative is built around the characters and if you removed a single one of them the story would collapse on itself: the characters are the story. Every character plays some very important purpose. For example, Daru, "the super hacka" possesses knowledge of computers and hacking that is essential in the unfolding of events. Steins Gate only has a handful of characters to speak of, but they are all strong and relatable. I came to love Luka, a guy who appears a little too feminine, but who is nonetheless of noble heart and quite innocent. His story is one that many can relate to, but I won't say too much about what happens for fear of spoiling a central part of the plot. Then there's Suzuha, whose past and future drove me to tears such as I've never experienced before. The theme of the game is that of drama, but it's riddled with smart, well placed humor. This is something that most games get wrong: they don't know how to combine the two elements of drama and humor. Steins Gate transitions between the two genres smoothly and you always remain fully immersed in the novel. Okabe is a paranoid, conspiracy theorist, and some would even go as far as to call him schizophrenic in the literal sense of the word, but then his theories become true. Scientific theories (in the academic place) are all over the place, and I learned a good deal about physics from listening attentively to the main female lead, Makise Kurisu. Steins Gate comes to grips with loss, human mortality and the inevitability of death; it deals with fate and predestination. The story begins on a lighthearted note but the atmosphere gets ever more eerie as revelations continue to be made. Okabe struggles with a painful dilemma: love and duty; selfishness and selflessness. The player really comes to view Okabe as an extension of himself as he makes the decisions alongside him. It was agonizing to share in all of the calamities Rintaro had to experience time after time. The story is not a success only because of its themes, however. The writing is superb. The creator of this story obviously dedicated the greater part of his time to writing a humorous, and at other times sober narrative that was deeply enthralling to read. The devil lies in the details, as is often said, and in the case of Steins Gate those stay with you long after you finish the game. Those include catch phrases, such as "El Psy Congroo", or a characteristic way of "speaking" on the part of Mayuri, who incidentally calls herself Mayushi. The creator of Steins Gate put a tremendous amount of effort to painting a realistic portrait of a hypothetical world, and it is this that makes the game a masterpiece. I can also derive from all the good science in the book that great detail of study went into making it: Steins Gate is an "educated" VL. I don't claim to be very good with words, and rarely if ever have I convinced people to stray from the path they were already leaning towards, but I hope that you're at least 1% more likely to buy the game after the review, than you were before reading it. This is by no means an exhaustive coverage of everything in Steins Gate, nor have I written a complete review. The character limit on the app would have made it impossible for me to cover every single great thing about Steins Gate. As for its faults, I don't think there any... worth mentioning, I suppose. And if you do play it and come away with a different conclusion, then please tell me what those failings are.
Review by Richard Barlow on STEINS;GATE EN.


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