Time To UPDATE – iTunes Remote Review

Come on Apple get it together, this app is pathetic and what's more pathetic is there's has been no updates since December 2015. You beat us in the head with updates for everything else how about updating what was your bread & butter, iTunes for God sake. Don't forget about what got you to the place you are now. It really is pathetic that iTunes mobile app has been neglected for so long being as messed up as it is, I could understand letting an app go without any updates if it was already a 5 star app, that certainly isn't the iTunes app, don't you bone head app developers at Apple ever download your own apps to listen for yourself how the app is TRASH? How about getting off your lazy butt and working to make your money making app worthy of a 5 star review. Do that and you have my word I'll give it 5 stars and write a review that will bring tears to your eyes. I'm thanking you in advance don't make me regret it. 9/12/2016
Review by Bigg dude on iTunes Remote.

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