Can be fun if it wasn't so buggy – Psych! Outwit Your Friends Review

We have tons of fun with this BUT we can only play a couple rounds before people are either dropped or they are taken to the App Store due to advertising. The App Store ad forwarding is a bug that NEEDS to be fixed. Basically what happens is that it acts like you click on the ad every time you open the Psych app. If you switch back to Psych from the App Store you are immediately taken back to the App Store with a new game being offered. It's terrible because you can't even interact with the Psych app to play the game. It effectively killed our game session when it happened too many times in a row. This has been a really fun game in the past but it's not reliable enough to bring to the party anymore. Hopefully this gets fixed.
Review by Boone1020 on Psych! Outwit Your Friends.

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