Good Game BUT, READ THIS – Afterpulse Review

It's a really good game. There's a single player and the only way to earn no unlockables or weapons is to play multiplayer. Now when you join multiplayer people will be 20-30 more levels than you meaning they have really over powered weapons. Now the team making is even but it's not fair if your new. U literally can't kill anyone. It's not that your good or not. It requires good weapons to kill someone on a higher level. Someone can literally 2 shot u and u use a whole mag and there not dead. That's super frustrating . And the only way to earn new weapons is gold the only way to get gold is leveling up. The developers made sure u don't level up in training AI., Only MultiPlayer. Worse game I would say the only way to win is pay to win.
Review by Erg fudge on Afterpulse.

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