Love Mankind Divided, Hate This – Deus Ex Universe Review

This little quasi-novel idea is annoying and immersion breaking. Also, after stopping my game to download the app for my "reward" It turns out their idea of a reward is different than mine. Do you get a cool weapon, or in-game outfit!?... No, it's just videos of them talking about game development. Exceedingly egotistical. I'm giving this one star to discourage any future iterations of this. They could have had these videos in-game or just shared a link to YouTube instead of having you jump through so many hoops to be rewarded with the gift of being able to watch them talk. That being said, this game is incredible thus far (two chapters in). So this is not to take anything away from all of their hard work and what a fantastic experience I'm having with the core game.
Review by +costa+ on Deus Ex Universe.

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