Not Happy Anymore – Brave Cross Review

I actually used to love playing this game. However over time I have noticed some things. One you go through all the trouble of trying to build strong Heros and in the end even when you have high BP (Battle Power) a group with lower BP can still beat you. So why spend hours building up Heros when someone lower than you can beat you. Example I have 140000 BP and I battle a group with 100000 BP that person can still beat me even though I am higher than him. So BP means nothing. You then have to spend money to truly gain more. The game has bugs and when you let the makers know they don't really help you. I've spent money on this game and now I regret it. The game is losing it and I used to be friends to a lot of people who have stopped playing the game. I see why now.
Review by Neo King Serenity on Brave Cross.

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