Came For the Lulz, Stayed For the Story – Hatoful Boyfriend Review

I initially was drawn to this game because of its absurd premise, but boy, was I in for a wild ride. I was very pleasantly surprised on how well written the story was, especially the "secret" story route you unlock after you've finished the main characters' storylines. Do not be deceived by how silly Hatoful Boyfriend's concept may sound; it's a game with a whole lot of depth and lots of replay value. Edit: To those who think this game is a glorified e-book, you must have not played a Japanese dating sim before. The entire genre is usually in visual novel form, where it branches off to different endings depending what choices you make. To the dating sim newcomers out there, I suggest that you try out other dating sims as well (look up Voltage; they have tons of dating sims in the App Store) before you dive into Hatoful Boyfriend so you get the feel of the genre. This app has a satirical take on dating sims so if you haven't played one before, you'll totally miss the point here.
Review by Hiyoko ? on Hatoful Boyfriend.

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