Miss leading – Diabetes App Lite - blood sugar control, glucose tracker and carb counter Review

I will now be using your app or recommend to any one on a scale 1-10 ur a -1. I used ur app lite version there was no mention of trial period I've been using the app to monitor and keep records for my doctor to report on how my new meds insulin is working for two weeks now. But today I log my password to enter my glucose an I'm locked out unless I upgrade an I can't get any of my history at a time when my life depends on data, I had a heart attack an stroke and most med are not workings so they're trying but we need data an know your app has set us back. You could have told me this.
Review by Leorehawkins on Diabetes App Lite - blood sugar control, glucose tracker and carb counter.

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Good aid

So far, so good